


Medjet (US)

Medjet (US)

Medjet (US)

  • 8 Coupons & Offers
  • 8 Verified
  • 16 Uses Today
  • Planning Domestic travel?

    Planning Domestic travel? One in 30 trips end in a medical emergency, and safety while traveling has become a growing concern. Protect yourself with Medjet. COVID-19 services now GLOBAL.

    Verified 34 Uses today
  • Elevate Your International And Domestic Travel Protection With A Medjet Membership

    Elevate Your International And Domestic Travel Protection With A Medjet Membership

    Verified 69 Uses today
  • You can buy peace of mind. It's called a Medjet Membership. Medjet is the premier global air medical transport + travel security membership program.

    Medjet offers memberships to residents of US, Canada, Mexico for medical air transport services. Members 150 miles from home, can access medical transport assistance to get them home.

    Verified 23 Uses today
  • Travel & Leisure, Thrillist and hundreds of other travel experts recommend Medjet. Get peace of mind with short-term travel protection starting at $99

    Medjet offers memberships to residents of US, Canada, Mexico for medical air transport services. Members 150 miles from home, can access medical transport assistance to get them home.

    Verified 17 Uses today
  • Collegiate International Family Membership: $425

    Studying domestically or studying abroad (up to 140 days), Faculty too.

    Verified 31 Uses today
  • Collegiate International Individual Membership: $315

    Studying domestically or studying abroad (up to 140 days), Faculty too.

    Verified 38 Uses today
  • Medjet Goes Global with COVID-19 Air Medical Transport Benefits

    Medjet Members hospitalized with active COVID-19 infections are now eligible for air medical transport to a hospital at home from worldwide destinations.

    Verified 43 Uses today
  • One in 30 Trips End in a Medical Emergency or Safety Concern. Protect Yourself with Medjet.

    One in 30 Trips End in a Medical Emergency or Safety Concern. Protect Yourself with Medjet.

    Verified 69 Uses today
  • Planning Domestic travel?

    Planning Domestic travel? One in 30 trips end in a medical emergency, and safety while traveling has become a growing concern. Protect yourself with Medjet. COVID-19 services now GLOBAL.

    Verified 57 Uses today
  • Elevate Your International And Domestic Travel Protection With A Medjet Membership

    Elevate Your International And Domestic Travel Protection With A Medjet Membership

    Verified 55 Uses today
  • You can buy peace of mind. It's called a Medjet Membership. Medjet is the premier global air medical transport + travel security membership program.

    Medjet offers memberships to residents of US, Canada, Mexico for medical air transport services. Members 150 miles from home, can access medical transport assistance to get them home.

    Verified 50 Uses today
  • Travel & Leisure, Thrillist and hundreds of other travel experts recommend Medjet. Get peace of mind with short-term travel protection starting at $99

    Medjet offers memberships to residents of US, Canada, Mexico for medical air transport services. Members 150 miles from home, can access medical transport assistance to get them home.

    Verified 97 Uses today
  • Collegiate International Family Membership: $425

    Studying domestically or studying abroad (up to 140 days), Faculty too.

    Verified 16 Uses today
  • Collegiate International Individual Membership: $315

    Studying domestically or studying abroad (up to 140 days), Faculty too.

    Verified 47 Uses today
  • Medjet Goes Global with COVID-19 Air Medical Transport Benefits

    Medjet Members hospitalized with active COVID-19 infections are now eligible for air medical transport to a hospital at home from worldwide destinations.

    Verified 89 Uses today
  • One in 30 Trips End in a Medical Emergency or Safety Concern. Protect Yourself with Medjet.

    One in 30 Trips End in a Medical Emergency or Safety Concern. Protect Yourself with Medjet.

    Verified 39 Uses today